Tuesday 15 January 2013

Chasing down food

Well, yesterday we were weighed and measured. Briefly touched on the basics of the diet. Later, there was an email with restrictions and plan. No bread. No pasta. No rice. No quinoa. No man made carbs. If it doesn't come from nature the way it is - it is not to be eaten. No dairy. None. In fact there are lots of "no's and nots". No soy, no beans of any kind. Almond milk is fine. Unsweetened only. Which I can pour in my coffee (I am allowed THAT!). Basically, I can eat lean meats, veggies (most, but not all) and some fruit. For THIRTY DAYS!!!! THIRTY!!!! Some nuts are ok. So that is a good snack. Another bonus is I can use rice vinegar on my salad, which I usually do anyway. Thank goodness top sirloin is on the list (i love you, Costco), and chicken of course. Extra lean ground beef. Organs and venison and elk are on the list, too. None of those are going to enter my diet. Organs? if it jiggles, it is NOT happening. Maybe i can make a chili without beans, some soups might be okay,.....Many things I will be just fine with. Many will be hard or nearly impossible. Well, going to start this diet Monday. I need to prep and shop. And am going to start cutting down on the carbs. Wish me luck!

Sunday 13 January 2013

Work Challenge!

So, tomorrow is the day we are measured and weighed. Then, the challenge begins. I already know the harsh reality. And intend to alter my reality - for the better. Tomorrow means more water, ensure meals are "on time" so I don't make bad choices when starving, carefully chosen minimal amounts of wine or beer, and kicking my own butt to the gym as often as possible. I have already lost a pound and a half this week, due to some of the above and aforementioned changes. Since most of my co-workers are on the challenge as well, I am hoping there is support in numbers. I know a couple of people that work out at the Y that I would go with, but my closest friends do not. One will when she is back in her house next month (long story), and the others belong to other gyms or find this one too costly. That is all just gravy though. I need to kick my own ass to do this, but it is nice to have company and support. So, to a new day!

Tuesday 1 January 2013


So, today, on the first day of the New Year I am contemplating all those things I set out for myself. I may have to repeat them a few...no, several...no, hundreds of times before they stick. And I know the biggest thing I need to change is my health. Healthier weight = healthier me = healthier everything. So that is my first order of business, with a side order of all the other stuff. We actually don't eat that badly - lots of veggies and good meats/protein, good carbs. Snacks and wine tend to be the downfall. Not fast food. Not sugary pop. Oh - and chocolate. I love chocolate. THAT will be staying - for me this will be about moderation for the most part - but some things need to go. And some things I need more of.
I need more water. I know I go through much of the time dehydrated. Is it crazy that I DON'T MAKE TIME FOR WATER?!?! I mean, really. How do I not have time???? Strangely enough - I am not the only one that has said it. How absurd does it sound? I have a water cooler at work, glasses, water bottles, cups, I mean what more could I need? Well, I don't like the water bottle, I didn't rinse it, I don't want to spill an open glass all over (did I mention I am a total klutz?) my desk and destroy my computer/two cell phones in waterproof cases (refer to klutz)/new fancy phone system that could probably destroy the world at the touch of a button (it can follow me wherever I go apparently - so why not?). My only saving grace would be that it might water my dying plant if I did spill it.
I am picky with my water bottles. I don't like it if they make noise while I am drinking, I like them to close securely and easily (re: klutz), and I do forget to rinse them.
So, this is my first big change. Water, water and more water. One coffee so I don't take away from the water benefit. Tomorrow, I WILL drink 1.5 liters. Alot some may say - but apparently it will benefit some of the other health things like helping my gallbladder (which is not happy with me on those dehydrated days) and clearing out any crap from the holiday eating. My new health and wellness coach may ask for the same or more - and I will adjust as needed. So, the point of this entire rant is - I NEED MORE WATER. on it. Update tomorrow!

Monday 31 December 2012


I have decided this is a year of change.  I am always on the brink of many things - but this year I am determined to be on the brink of positive changes and positive things.  My journey may be bumpy, funny, interesting, sad, unpredictable, or the many other things my day-to-day life as a career mom, with a career husband and two unruly young boys already is.  But I figure what better way to share it! On this action-packed New Year's Eve, where I sit at the computer while the rest of the house is asleep and I wait for the ball to drop, I contemplate the year to come.  I am determined to be a better mother - one who is much better at helping with homework!!!!  To make better use of my time - and not get caught up in crap.  To stick to my calendar at work!!!  To embrace the health and wellness challenge at work (I am very lucky to have an employer that invests in ME!!!)!!!  To stick to getting to the gym three times a week - but also accepting when life gets insane!  To put ME first sometimes!!!!  To be realistic with what I expect of myself! But most of all...... accept that I am pretty darn awesome to start with and I just need to tweak.  But I must say - tweaking is TOUGH!!!! It truly means change in many areas, minor though the changes may be... but nevertheless CHANGE.  I am lucky to have many friends that are around me and support me, I have family I love, and I have a pair of jeans that I really want to fit into!!!!! Well, not really - but I want to shop in sizes that are not plus!!!!  I am, again, on the brink.  The brink of not being a plus and I just can't seem to get over it!  So, mainly - this blog will be my voice when I can't find it otherwise.  When I can't admit to a friend that is fighting to lose three pounds to go down to a size 7 that I want to smack her skinny butt into a corner.  When I don't have someone to push my butt to the gym when I am exhausted at night after a full day of insanity.  When I just need to share the insanity that happened to cause the exhaustion.  So whether I have anyone follow or find me - this is just a great outlet for me.

To 2013!!!!!!